Checkout One-Time Payments 

Chargebee also supports collecting one-off payments from the customer without creating a subscription for them.

This feature can be useful if you are running a business that provides :

  • One-time services
  • One-time services along with subscription services
  • Additional services or products for a limited time

To enable One-time Payments for your Chargebee site, contact [email protected] .

One-time Payment Checkout can be used only with non-recurring addons, adhoc charge and coupons. It does not work when a plan or recurring addon is included.

  • Quick charge can be added only using Hosted Pages API.
  • The Product Catalog 2.0 supports only In-app Checkout and Self-serve portal and does not support Single-page Checkout and Self-serve portal.


  • Non-recurring addons and coupons (if necessary) need to be set up in your Chargebee site.


To enable Checkout for One-time Payments, click Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self Serve Portal > One time payments > Enable.

Here's a sample of the configuration page for One-time Payments.

The configuration settings for One-time Payments are listed in this table.

 Setting  Function
 Allow customers to access checkout via API only  Disable this if you need customers to access checkout integrated through Drop-in script or Checkout URL.
 Allow customers to add/remove coupons  Enable to display coupons for the customers to select or remove added coupons.
 Allow customers to add multiple coupons  Enable to allow customers to add multiple coupons. 
 Allow customers to remove products
Enable to allow customers to remove any of the products during checkout.
 Save customer's payment method
There are three further settings, 

  • Always - Stores the customer's payment method details always without their consent.
  • Never - Does not store the customer's payment method details.
  • Ask for Customer's permission - Stores the customer's payment method details only if they agree.
 Add a redirect URL
Enter the URL to which customers should be redirected on successful checkout. It could be a thank you page, home page, etc.

Here's a sample of how it is displayed in In-app Checkout.

Integrating Checkout One-time Payments 

Integrating Checkout for One-time Payments is similar to integrating In-app Checkout to your website or application. Only change being the format.

Using Checkout URL 

Given below is the Checkout URL format for One-time Payments. Replace the site name, parameter values and embed it directly in your website or application.

To know more on how to integrate Checkout URL, take a look at this page.


Using Drop-in Script 

Given below is the Drop-in script format for One-time Payments. Replace the site name, parameter values and embed it directly in your website or application.

Learn more about Drop-in Script integration.


Amount attribute is not supported here. The price is automatically retrieved.

For Product Catalog 1.0:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <script src="http://acme-test/v2/chargebee.js" data-cb-site="acme-test" ></script>
    <h3>Checkout Drop-in</h3>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-cb-type="checkout" data-cb-addons_id_0="flat-nr"
    data-cb-addons_id_1="per_unit-nr" data-cb-addons_quantity_1="10" data-cb-addons_unit_amount_1="10"
    data-cb-addons_id_2="tiered-nr" data-cb-addons_quantity_2="10"
    data-cb-addons_id_3="volume-nr" data-cb-addons_quantity_3="10"
    data-cb-addons_id_3="stair-nr" data-cb-addons_quantity_3="10" >subscribe</a>
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
      const cart = Chargebee.getInstance().getCart();
        email: encodeURIComponent("[email protected]"),

For Product Catalog 2.0:

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <script src="http://acme-test/v2/chargebee.js" data-cb-site="acme-test"
  <h3>Checkout Drop-in</h3>
  <!-- <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-cb-type="checkout" data-cb-item-0="flat-plan-price" data-cb-item-0-type="plan"
    data-cb-item-1="per_unit-price" data-cb-item-1-quantity="2" data-cb-item-1-type="addon">
  </a> -->
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-cb-type="checkout" data-cb-item-0="flat-price" data-cb-item-0-type="addon"
    data-cb-item-1="per_unit-price" data-cb-item-1-quantity="1" data-cb-item-1-type="addon"
    data-cb-item-2="volume-price" data-cb-item-2-quantity="2" data-cb-item-2-type="addon" data-cb-item-3="stair-price"
    data-cb-item-3-quantity="3" data-cb-item-3-type="addon" data-cb-item-4="tiered-price" data-cb-item-4-quantity="4"

Using Hosted Pages API 

Use Checkout one-time payments API  to pass the values of non-recurring addons, quick charges and coupons. This in turn returns the In-app Checkout window.

The below features are not currently supported in Checkout for One-Time Payments:

  • Cart Abandonment
  • Offline Payment method
  • Checkout without payments
  • Account Hierarchy
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