HubSpot Configuration 

Follow the bellow steps to cofigure the Chargebee - HubSpot integration.

Step 1: Select Apps > Go to Marketplace > Sales & CRM > Hubspot Chargebee Actions.

Step 2: Click the Connect button and login to your HubSpot account.

Step 3: Grant the necessary permissions.


The HubSpot integration does not support multi-business entities. The records will not sync, if you have enabled business entities for your site. In this case, we recommend using the HubSpot Quote-to-Cash integration.

Sync Overview 

Sync Rules for Contacts 

You can choose how the customer data in Chargebee should be pushed into HubSpot. Click Proceed once you select the necessary settings.

Following settings are available to configure sync rules for contacts.

Choose customers you'd like to sync
a) Customers with Active Subscriptions
b) All customers

Choose what happens when a customer in Chargebee does not have a matching contact in HubSpot
a) Create Contact
b) Do Nothing: No customer data will be updated in HubSpot

Choose what happens when a customer in Chargebee has a matching contact in HubSpot
a) Override the standard fields that are a part of the field mapping (Chargebee will always be the master for custom properties that it creates and maintains in HubSpot)
b) Update empty HubSpot fields (Updates only the empty properties that are a part of the original field mapping in HubSpot)


When multiple Chargebee sites have been connected to the HubSpot account, it's possible that this customer (B) matches a contact that has been already mapped to a customer (A) in a different Chargebee site. In such a case, B fails to sync.

Sync and Update Lifecycle stages in Hubspot
Enable the toggle if you want to set specific lifecycle stages for your contacts.

Choose the Lifecycle Stage in HubSpot you'd like to create/update the contact in, when the Chargebee customer - Has no subscription - Has an In-Trial subscription - Has an Active subscription - Has a Canceled subscription
The stages in HubSpot will appear under each drop down. Assign a stage for each setting. You can also assign the same stage for multiple settings. HubSpot lifecycle stages can only progress in 1 direction: Subscriber > Lead > Marketing Qualified Lead > Sales Qualified Lead > Opportunity > Customer > Evangelist > Other. Therefore, if you have selected 'Lead' for 'Has no subscription', then you will not be able to assign the Subscriber stage to any of the other options.

Choose the Lifecycle Stage in HubSpot you'd like to create/update the contact in, when the Chargebee customer has

  • No subscription
  • An in trial subscription
  • An active subscription
  • A canceled subscription

The stages in HubSpot will appear under each drop down. Assign a stage for each setting. You can also assign the same stage for multiple settings.

Map Customers from Chargebee to Hubspot 

Choose a unique field to map Chargebee customers to Hubspot contacts. You can use the Email, Phone number, or any other custom fields in Chargebee to map with the Email, Phone number, Mobile phone number, Work email, or Twitter username in HubSpot.

Sync Rules for Deals 

You can choose how to handle deals in HubSpot whenever a subscription is created in Chargebee. Click Proceed once you select the necessary settings.

Following settings are available to configure sync rules for Deals.

When a subscription is created in Chargebee

  1. Create a deal: On selecting this option, Chargebee will create a deal in HubSpot. If you choose to create a deal, then select from the following options:

  2. Select value for deal amount: You can choose the type of deal amount from the following options. Based on your choice, the integration will perform the calculation and populate the value in the amount field while creating a deal.

    1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): The monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of the subscription.
    2. Recurring Revenue: The integration sets the amount field for a deal after adding the price of recurring items of a product. It excludes any non-recurring items such as charges, one-time coupon/discount, a limited period coupon/discounts/charges. The below table depicts how the recurring revenue is calculated.





      USD1000 yearly



      USD300 yearly






      USD100 on each invoice amount, forever

      The total recurring revenue would be the sum of the recurring charges minus the discounts. Which is 1+2-3 = $ (1000+300-100) = $1200 per year.
  3. Update Existing deal: This setting is applicable when: The deals are available on HubSpot and the corresponding Subscriptions for these deals are directly created in Chargebee. Here, instead of creating a new deal, the integration will map the subscription to an existing deal. In case you are choosing this setting, it is recommended that you have only one deal for a contact as the integration will map the subscription with the last created (open) deal in HubSpot. On selecting this option, Chargebee will prompt you to configure the following setting.

    1. Choose which Hubspot pipeline would you like to update deals in:Chargebee will display all the pipelines that are available in HubSpot. Select the pipeline that you would like to use. The integration will only look for open deals in this pipeline to map subscriptions to.
    2. Update deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in future.
    3. Update deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in trial.
    4. Choose the default stage in HubSpot for Active/Non Renewing subscriptions.
    5. If there are no 'Open Deals' for the contact, allow Chargebee to look for open deals against the company: Enable this setting to allow Chargebee to search for open deals against the company.
    6. If there are no 'Open Deals' in HubSpot: Choose what you'd like to do when there are no 'Open Deals' against that contact/company in HubSpot. Available Options are:
      1. Create a Deal
      2. Do Nothing: It will not create or update any deals, but subscription information will still sync to the contact and company in HubSpot. If there are multiple open deals associated to the same contact in HubSpot, then the last created deal will be updated.

Create/update new deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in Future state.
Future Subscriptions are subscriptions whose start date is in the future. Enable this setting if you want to create/update deals in HubSpot for future dated subscriptions. Next, assign a deal stage for Future Subscriptions in HubSpot. For more information, see FAQ on future subscriptions.

Create new deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in trial
Enable this option if you want to create new deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in trial in Chargebee.

Choose the deal stage you'd like to assign all In-Trial subscriptions to
The stage that you select here will be applicable for all the subscriptions that are in trial in Chargebee. In case the setting Create new deals in HubSpot for subscriptions that are in trial is disabled then all the in-Trial subscriptions will automatically be assigned to the deal stage 'Closed-Won'.


The sync rules for deals will be honoured only after the initial and full sync is completed. Deals will not be created in HubSpot for subscriptions that are already in Chargebee at the time of setting up the integration. This is because, when the subscriptions are synced from Chargebee to HubSpot, they are likely to be closed won. Creating deals for subscriptions at the time of the integration will result in duplication.
Once the full sync is completed, the sync rules will apply and the deals will be created as set in the settings. Please do note that the subscription does not create new deals when it is upgraded.

Sync Rules for Fields 

In case you have additional properties created in Chargebee (other than those in field mapping), you can push them into HubSpot using this setting.

Sync Rules for Orders 

Enable this option "Allow Chargebee to sync orders to HubSpot" if you want Chargebee to sync your Shipping orders and related details like last order date, next order date and so on.

  • Sync Rules for Orders will show up only if you have enabled Orders in your Chargebee account.

  • The Shipping order information in HubSpot will be displayed only if you are using Shipping Orders in Chargebee. If and when you are using Shipping Orders the following properties will be updated in the Contacts Object of HubSpot.

    • Last order date
    • Last order Amount
    • Last order base component SKU
    • Last order status
    • Next order date
    • Next order Amount
    • Next order base component SKU
    • Next order status
  • Shipping order information is not updated in HubSpot if:

    • You have not enabled Shipping Orders in Chargebee.
    • You have chosen to not sync shipping orders into HubSpot.

Sync Failure Emails 

Enable this option to configure Chargebee to send automated email alerts about failed sync jobs. Chargebee sends notifications only when Missing Deals Pipeline and Invalid/ expired Authentication sync jobs fail.

To receive failure email:

  1. Turn on the toggle Allow Chargebee to send sync failure emails.
  2. By default, the email recipient is the email id that is used to sync the Hubspot integration. Click Change default recipient to change the email id.
  3. You can add additional email ids to send failure notifications by using Add Recipients option.

Sync Jobs and Email Notifications

Sync Job


Email sent by Chargebee



We noticed that sync for your HubSpot integration failed due to a missing pipeline
To resume sync:

  1. Check the name of the pipeline selected in Chargebee from Manage Sync Rules > Sync Rues for Deals.

  2. Verify that this pipeline exists in your HubSpot account, You can also create a new pipeline, and configure this new pipeline in Sync Rules for Deals.

For further assistance with this, contact Support.



We noticed that sync for your HubSpot integration failed due to an invalid or expired authorization token.
To resume sync:

  1. Raise a support ticket to reauthorize the Chargebee app in HubSpot.

  2. You will receive a link in your email that redirects you to the HubSpot authorization page.

For further assistance with this, contact Support.


Data Validation 

During the Data Validation phase, the integration tries to sync the data between Chargebee and HubSpot based on your sync settings (Map Customers from Chargebee to Hubspot). If the criteria does not match, then the settings that you have selected in the Sync Rules for Contacts will be applicable.

Run Initial Sync 

Chargebee tests the connection between Chargebee - HubSpot CRM by syncing the first 10 records. Once this is done you can choose to sync all the records.

Once the sync is complete, you can manage the settings of the integration from the Integration page.

The Settings page will look as shown below. You can view the hourly syncs, sync errors and edit your sync configuration changes from this page.

You can Enable auto sync by clicking the Enable auto sync option. If you wish to edit the sync settings, you can do so by clicking the Manage Sync preferences link.

In case you wish to disconnect from HubSpot, click the Unlink Integration option. Data synchronisation will be stopped immediately. The data that is already pushed to HubSpot will not be revoked.

Sync Dashboard 

Sync Dashboard displays an overview of the records that synced from Chargebee to Hubspot.

Based on the latest sync, the dashboard displays the following information:

  • Number of customers synced successfully: The number of newly synced customer records or the number of records synced as part of an update in HubSpot from Chargebee.
  • Number of failed records: The number of records that failed to sync.
  • View sync log: Click View sync log to view the consolidated list of synced records and their properties from all sync actions.

You can perform the following actions on the Sync Log Page:

  • The Download CSV button allows you to download the list of records synced as part of the latest sync regardless of their sync status.
  • Use the Filters button to apply multiple filters and see relevant details about the synced records. You can filter the sync logs by Sync Status, Chargebee Object, HubSpot ID, and Chargebee ID
  • Chargebee objects can be filtered by Customer or Subscription.
  • Sync statuses can be further filtered as Success, Ignored, and Error. You can perform the following actions on a record according to the sync status.
    Ignore: The record is not synced.
    Retry Sync: The record is synced again.
    Redirect Sync: The record is redirected to sync with another HubSpot item. To redirect sync, you must either delete the HubSpot item to which the record was previously synced and create a new item or set the SKU of the record to an existing HubSpot item.

Use the ellipsis(…) button to view the available action.


The integration allows you to retry syncing up to 350 records at once.

Sync Status





Ignore, Retry Sync, Redirect Sync


Retry Sync, Redirect Sync


Nothing, Redirect Sync

The below screenshot displays the Sync Log page with applied filters and available actions.

Reconnect Chargebee with HubSpot 

After configuring the integration, your account will get disconnected if you accidentally uninstall the Chargebee app on HubSpot. Disconnecting your account halts syncing of records if you have enabled the Auto Sync option.

Click Reconnect to connect again by providing your HubSpot credentials.

This action does not impact the sync settings that you have configured earlier.

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