Mail Merge Usage 


Mail Merge fields can be used to personalise the content in Chargebee while configuring:

  • Email Notifications
  • Checkout & Portal
  • Invoice & Credit notes

Mail Merge fields are dependent on the template selected for a particular email. You can find the list of fields in the Chargebee application as shown below:


When currency mergevars are used in conditional statements, the amount should be specified in cents and as an integer (i.e. 0 instead of $0.00, 999 instead of $9.99).

You can add mail merge fields as a part of your configuration to populate the values dynamically.

     Your current plan is {{}}.


Your current plan is Basic.

Display Content when Field has a Value 

If the field contains a value, then the content inside the block will be displayed. '#' indicates that the condition to be checked has to be true. '/' indicates the end of the field block.

    Dear Customer, 
    Your setup cost is {{plan.setup_cost}}.
    Thank you for your purchase.


Dear Customer,
Your setup cost is $12.50.
Thank you for your purchase.

If the mail merge field does NOT contain a value, the content will be ignored.

    Dear Customer, 
    Your setup cost is {{plan.setup_cost}}.
    Thank you for your purchase.


Dear Customer,
Thank you for your purchase.

Display Content when the Field Has a Specific Value 

If the field contains a value, then the content entered within the block is displayed, like plan name, addon name, etc. Else it will be ignored.

    {{ = basic}}
    Since you are in basic plan you have only email support.
    {{/ = basic}}


Since you are in basic plan you have only email support.

Display Content when the Field Does not Have a Specific Value 

If the field is empty or does not have a specific value, the content entered within the block is displayed. " ^ " indicates that the condition specified has to be false.


    You have not provided the company name
    Thank you for your purchase.


You have not provided the company name
Thank you for your purchase.


To display content when field does not have the specified value:

    {{^ = enterprise}}
    Upgrade to the enterprise plan and enjoy 24/7 phone support. 
    {{/ = enterprise}}


Upgrade to the enterprise plan and enjoy 24/7 phone support.

Enumerated String 

Enumerated string refers to values, like subscription statuses (active, canceled, trial…), invoice statuses (paid, not paid…), etc.


    {{#card.status = expiring}}
    Your card is about to expire.
    {{/card.status = expiring}}


Your card is about to expire.


Using an enumerated string with a false condition:

    {{^invoice.status = paid}}
    You have an outstanding invoice.
    {{/invoice.status = paid}}


You have an outstanding invoice.

List Values 

Used to display a list of items (objects that may have multiple entries in the subscription) such as addons, coupons etc.

    Addon Name : {{}}
    Addon Price : {{addon.price}} 


Addon Name : Support Plan
Addon Price : $9.99
Addon Name : License
Addon Price : $19.99

Reformat Date and Time Values 

You can use 'format' and 'timezone' attributes along with the timestamp fields, such as {{subscription.trial_end}} to change the default format of the date and time or convert it to a specific timezone. Click here for more details.


    You signed up for your subscription on
    {{subscription.created_at | format : dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss z}}


You signed up for your subscription on
14-May-2016 11:07:00 UTC


    Your subscription was activated on
    {{subscription.activated_at | timezone: EST}} 


Your subscription was activated on
14-May-2016 06:07:00


    Your trial ends on
    {{subscription.trial_end | format : dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss z | timezone: EST}}


Your trial ends on
14-May-2016 06:07:00 EST

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