Release Notes 

Listed below are the feature updates released as part of each package version of the Salesforce integration.

June 6, 2022 

Package Version 1.51 

  • You can now select Chargebee business entities to connect to your Salesforce account.
  • You can add manual discounts to each line item of the subscription or the entire invoice amount while performing the following actions:
    • Create/change a subscription from an opportunity.
    • Create a quote for subscription amendment.
    • Manage products for subscription change.
    • Creating quotes for new subscriptions.

March 25, 2022 

Package Version 1.50 

  • The enhanced Chargebee Salesforce integration user interface allows you to create and manage Chargebee quotes and subscriptions effortlessly.

January 18, 2022 

Package Version 1.49 

  • The enhanced user interface for the Chargebee Salesforce integration now allows users to create subscriptions and quotes out of opportunities seamlessly.
  • The Chargebee Salesforce integration now allows users to create subscriptions with metered items and generate the first invoice in a 'draft' state.
  • Creating a quote for one-off charges is now supported in Product Catalog 2.0.
  • Users are now successfully redirected to the URL that is configured within the plan in Chargebee.
  • The Chargebee Salesforce integration now allows adding one-time charge items as unbilled charges.
  • New permission sets are now available for standard users.

December 14, 2021 

Package Version 1.48.3 

  • The integration allows users to create a quote against a cancelled subscription.

October 30, 2021 

Package Version 1.48 

September 8, 2021 

Package Version 1.47 

June 15, 2021 

Package Version 1.46 

  • Automatic closure of renewal opportunities in response to contract term renewals and subscription cancellations.
  • The Retrieve Data operation allows you to sync specific Chargebee records by their ids.
  • Price overriding is now supported for plans/addons/charges with tiered, volume, and stairstep pricing models.

May 27, 2021 

Package Version 1.45 

  • Add a charge for an account in Salesforce.
  • Add a charge for a subscription in Salesforce.
  • The billing cycle field is fetched from Chargebee and auto-filled in forms.
  • Start and end dates for invoice line items are synced to the CB Invoice Line Item object.
  • Expired coupons are removed from the list displayed in forms.
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes.

May 4, 2021 

Package Version 1.44 

  • The Update Payment Method (Email) action now has a better user experience.
  • Action at term-end field is now synced to the CB Subscription object.
  • Multi-decimal configurations are now fully supported in Salesforce. Users can create, view, and amend subscriptions with multi-decimal pricing and quantities within Salesforce.
  • Bug fixes relating to sync error logs.

April 8, 2021 

Package Version 1.43 

  • Support for Metered Billing: Metered plans, addons, and charges configured in Chargebee can now sync to Salesforce, allowing users to add them while creating subscriptions.
  • Bug fixes.
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