Introducing Chargebee Moments: For the Ultimate Moment of Truth at Checkout

Your checkout page is the ultimate moment of truth. It’s that point where your prospects decide whether to turn your value proposition into something real, or just let it slip.
With our Summer 2019 release last week, we announced the launch of Chargebee Moments – to let you capture those ultimate moments of truth in your customer’s buying journey.
Moments brings with it a single line of Javascript that lets you build the checkout experience of your dreams, while offloading the security and PCI compliance to Chargebee. You customize the look and feel, and Chargebee handles the tokenization wizardry.
That means you now get to A/B test the fr*ction out of your checkout.
But why? Why would you want to A/B test your checkout page in the first place?
After legions of marketing experiments, you’ve finally got your prospects exactly where you want them to be. You’ve brought them to your website, guided them through that big shiny “buy now” button. You’ve even got them to click. The job is done.
Andrew, the prospect you acquired from that genius adwords campaign, would much rather pay using Apple Pay. Tough luck – you don’t support that!
Mr.Grey, the 600yr old flat-earther, doesn’t feel safe giving his card details because he believes everyone is out to get him and everything is a scam.
Sarah is all ready to go through with the purchase. But when she’s on the 14th field, her cat sits on her keyboard and she loses interest in finishing the payment process.
It’s awful. It hurts. But it happens every single day.
And it’s not just you. On average 75% of SaaS buyers drop off at the point of checkout. That’s 3 out of 4 prospects you could’ve potentially converted. After you’ve already sold them on the idea of your SaaS, and brought them to the last page in their purchase experience.
❝The longest distance in your customer’s buying journey is between the credit card in their back-pocket and the payment fields on your checkout page.❞
But how do you improve your checkout conversions?
The same way you improve conversions across anywhere else in your revenue funnel – through constant experimentation. And Chargebee Moments lets you iterate, experiment & build out that checkout experience by just adding a single line of Javascript.
You can add and customize every field and component in your checkout cart without having to worry about PCI-compliance.
Chargebee Moments also handles tokenization of your customers’ card details with the payment gateway end-to-end. That way, your subscribers are recorded and billed right, without sensitive payment information ever hitting your servers.
But what experiments should you even be running?
#1. Throw in a few trust-boosters
If they don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you. According to Baymard, over 3 out of 10 people abandon carts over trust issues and security reasons. Display trust seals like SSL badges, ‘Secure Checkout’ seals, or even just a padlock icon to do give your users a sense of security. Build credibility and seal the deal with customer testimonials, user ratings, and industry reviews.
#2. Spotlight your Fair Billing practices
We’re curious: Which one of these most impacts #conversions on your #checkout page?
— Chargebee (@chargebee) May 15, 2019
From our recent poll, 36% of participants voted “Hidden Charges” as the biggest conversion-killer. Battle this with a simple snippet of what users will be charged right now, and how much they’ll be charged subsequently.
Chargebee Moments lets you show additional tax details, and even itemized breakdowns right at their point of purchase.
#3. Set purchase context to avoid decision fatigue
Purchase decisions aren’t easy to make. After a long buying journey involving multiple cycles of evaluations and trials, chances are your prospects don’t remember exactly what they’re buying into at this point. A little snippet that shows “What you get as a part of this package” right along the payment form lets them combat decision fatigue. Add a few visuals of the product and plan they’re buying into, and you may be able to engineer that last-mile push.
#4. Offer a platter of “preferred payment” choices
Your customers are varied. It’s only fair, then, that their preferred mode of payment is just as diverse. But just accepting a multitude of payment methods may not be a great idea (imagine the nightmares in setup, fees, and reconciliation). Plus too many options may just push your prospects into a choice paralysis.
Experiment by adding new payment methods to your checkout page to test out conversions, and remove the ones that just add to the confusion.
Chargebee integrates with 23+ payment gateways and accepts multiple payment methods like Online card payments, offline payments, digital wallets, and direct debit transfers. But hey, we like to spoil you with choices 😀