The Case Against The ‘Back To App’ Button In User Onboarding Emails
User onboarding emails are built around buttons that lure users to the app. Here’s how you can build your emails around something better—user/product fit.
User onboarding emails are built around buttons that lure users to the app. Here’s how you can build your emails around something better—user/product fit.
User onboarding is crafting the first mile of a user’s journey with your product. Can you apply everything that works within it to your nth?
There are three strategies you can use to turn good questions into good asks—gradual engagement, information priming, and immediate impact delivery.
The tiny details in user onboarding make the difference between good and great. It’s important we think about them and take time to get them right. Here’s something that can help.
Figuring out what makes it into your user onboarding flow is incredibly hard. Here’s the gap we discovered in user onboarding and the framework we developed to bridge it.
Recovering revenue is a balancing act—a tightrope between collecting a payment and providing a stellar user experience. Here’s how to approach it so you can minimize involuntary churn, and maximize revenue in the process.
Your billing system can improve customer retention by helping you build an engaging relationship outside your product. Here’s how.
47 curated statistics to make your credit card processing choices easier. From the costs of credit card processing to PCI compliance and the health of cards as a payment method.
Credit card declines can severely damage your bottom line. Apart from telling you how, this post breaks declines and error messages down. It also offers tactics to help minimize declines and recover any revenue that might be lost as a result of them.
Comparing credit card merchant services and payment gateways? Here’s an in-depth evaluation of the services, fees, and security options that each offer (downloadable infographic inside).
Lasting customer relationships sit at the heart of SaaS growth. In an increasingly competitive market, your billing system can be the wild card you never knew you had, helping you deliver the product you’ve poured your heart into all the better.