Introducing Multi-Lingual Support: Because it’s a Small World

This is what we hear when businesses ask us if we support multiple languages:
“Müşterilerimize e-posta ile ulaşabilir miyiz?” [“Can we email our customers in Turkish?”]
“Possiamo comunicare con i nostri clienti in lingua italiana?” [“Can we communicate with our customers in Italian?”]
“Nous aimerions envoyer nos factures en français” [“We would love to send our Invoices in French”]
“Mielelläni olla Suomen kielen perustettu tililläni” [“I’d love to have Finnish language set up in my account”]
And we gladly agree.
So here’s the deal — Chargebee’s supports localization!
Our friend wrote a brilliant piece just last week. The Tralfamodorian language of symbols, Eragon’s language of Power, the Babel fish in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy… Everyone who can demystify languages. The list goes on. And we would love to do that for you!
But I digress.
When we set out to support multiple languages, we asked ourselves, “How do you cut down barriers? How can you make your customers feel at home? How do you become truly global?”
And when people say, “It’s a small world”, what do they really mean?
We found the answer to all these questions — localization.
While we were at it, we were surprised to realise that English is the third most widely spoken language! Mandarin is the first, followed by Spanish. Yep! Not only is China one of the greatest powers in the world and the most populous country, but their language is also most widely spoken.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Localization will help you sell your products globally.
And that is different from translating…
In many cases, our amazing customers offer to help with the translations they require. Chargebee will help enable localization for functional content. This means that you can localize aspects that involve customer communication such as invoices and credit notes, email notifications, hosted pages and customer portal. For the hosted pages, Chargebee will consider the browser locale and the users can select the preferred language.
Right now, we support 6 languages (including English) — but we don’t restrict ourselves only to those 6 languages. More languages are in the offing. Including the body language!
Naah! Of course, we are joking!
So, all you have to do is share your preferred set of language files, and we will handle the localization for you.:)
Here’s everything you need to know about the localization feature. Or click here to play around with Chargebee’s sandbox account and know more.