Mastering SaaS Analytics
Certified Expert in SaaS Analytics
Master all SaaS metrics applicable to your business stage and business objectives
  • 100% Online
  • 3 short video-modules
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Using the right metrics to measure your subscription business' health is an art. In SaaS, there exists an armory of metrics. And knowing which ones are the right metrics for your business can make all the difference.

Since there are numerous metrics, your ability to leverage those metrics at scale lies in striking the intricate balance between choosing the right categories of metrics and drawing insights from them on a regular basis. 
Dive right into Acquisition, Finance, Retention & Revenue Metrics to put your business on a fast-paced growth trajectory.

  • Learn in ~60 mins:

  • Initial Stage, Growth Stage and Maturity Stage Metrics

  • Acquisition, Finance, Retention & Revenue Metrics

  • Hands-on with Subscription Analytics Tools

The brands you aspire to work for, work on subscriptions.
Explore our curated set of free courses, expert advice and resources. Acquire new skills and career-changing expertise to run and scale any subscription based business.
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